Thursday, September 28, 2023

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Let Us Get the Ball Rolling

Let Us Get the Ball Rolling

Today is the day for you to consider partnering with me as we collaboratively create an innovative educational nonprofit.

I request your best prayers for this new fund raising campaign.

My fund raising goal is only 3 thousand dollars. This will be used to get the ball rolling so that I will go on road trips to 5 cities and 3 countries. There I will cast the vision and present the game plan for an innovative educational nonprofit organization named Our Stewardship Community. I will enroll a Launch Team of intercessors, advisers and donors. Together we will collaboratively create and distribute educational modules that teach the basics of agriculture, animal husbandry, literacy, Christian education, and leadership. 

The materials will be made in English text first and illustrated. Then then the text will be translated into many languages using online services, software and volunteers. Those translated texts will be made into audio files using online services, software and volunteers. And later we will make video files too.

Those we seek to serve are subsistence farmers, orphans and rural pastors in remote villages in developing countries. Those who need such practical education the most can afford it the least. So to get around the price barrier these resources are offered at community centered libraries. Those libraries will be equipped with basic audio and video recording equipment. Then the local teachers can record and share their lessons.

Our purpose is to bring together people, resources and opportunities. This is a huge and complex work that spans the globe. The people who do the research, writing, editing, illustrating and translating are volunteer college students.

Please stop to consider that we are fortunate to have been born into the top 1 billion of the 7 billion people on our shared planet. Yet those who are in the bottom 2 billion bare get by on less than 2 dollars a day. But with your help they will have educational resources, classes, better teachers and more. These will break the cycle of generational poverty and lead to a bright future with lots of hope and opportunity.

The only way it can happen is with the support of a Launch Team of intercessors, advisers and donors.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

First Five Phases of Our Stewardship Community

First Five Phases
of Our Stewardship Community

•     Phase 1
•   Begin Creating the Online Communications Hub
•     This online hub is for presenting the educational nonprofit named Our Stewardship Community. This will be used and improved during the future phases.

•     Phase 2
•  Make Arrangements and Get Outfitted for Road Trips
•     Make preparations to go on road trips in the USA and abroad.

•     Phase 3
•  Go Enroll Supporters
•     Go on road trips to enroll Launch Team of intercessors, advisers and donors.
•     cities
•     Arlington, TX
•     Plano, TX
•     College Station, TX
•     Oklahoma City, OK
•     Colorado Springs, CO
•     countries
•     Australia
•     Philippines
•     India

•     Phase 4
•  Plant Our Headquarters
•     Maybe I will set up a headquarters in any of the previous cities. Or maybe God will guide me to another city. I could set up headquarters in India, Australia or Philippines. Those countries have appealed much to me over the years.
•     I trust that as I pray and obey then God will real His guidance.
•     The choice of location for the headquarters will have a huge impact for many years.
•     I have already decided to use a tentative probationary approach. I will remain for 1 to 3 years in the place that seems to be the right location. During that 1 to 3 year interval I will work with others to carefully consider staying. I reserve the right to move to another location. What I seek in making that decision are three factors:
•     1.Confirmations  from most of my closest advisers
2.fruitful production that is leading to transformations on our mission fields inner witness in my heart and mind.
•     Then I will put down roots. I will make long term commitments related to that place. I might seek to buy instead of lease property.
•     Where I live I will also be able to connect with people all over the globe. The reality is that big companies conduct business all around the world daily. They have effective communication tools and practices I can adapt.

•  Phase 5
•  Study and Report the Reality on the Our Mission Fields
•     These studies and reports will shape and guide the development of our products and services.
•     1
•     Go to visit the people we seek to serve.
•     Go visit and take taking a media team to record our visit.
•     Also there might be times we hire local media team members.
•     2
•     We will collect video, photo, audio and text records of the reality on the fields.
•     This includes both the problems and the solutions.
•     We will learn what is working and what is not working.
•     We will ask the end users and those who serve them want the need and want.
•     We will learn how we can use our talents together to best serve those who are ready.
•     3
•     One purpose is to wake up Christians and others as to what is happening globally.

Harness the various kinds of media to increase the awareness of the real needs for water, sanitation, food, income  and education.

This will enroll better intercessions and more giving of money to us and other organizations.

Our findings will be used as fuel to prepare more and better educational modules.
•     4
We will seek to learn how we can craft simple lessons that will make a big difference.

Those lessons will be created collaboratively online in
English using text.

They will be translated into many languages.

The texts will be made into the audio files so they will reach the illiterate.

These will be offered under Creative Commons Copyright.

Others will be allowed to download them and adapt them locally.
•     5
•     Our aim will be to offer these educational modules through existing libraries.

Later we will adapt a model to plant small community centered libraries in villages.
•     6
•     Our main aim is to reach and teach those that are in remote locations.

Then everyone along the way might be blessed too.

But let us to go to those that have been the most neglected.
•     7

•     These studies and reports are fuel for our five services.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Major Milestone Passed Today

Thanks to God answering many prayers a major milestone was passed today.

After years of research, preparing and planning it is time to go public with my dream of launching and leading an innovative educational nonprofit organization.

I have been working for weeks to set up a crowd funding platform for raising the initial seed capital. This will get the ball rolling. I will use the money raised by this first campaign to start to go on road trips to 5 cities and 3 countries. There I will present the vision and game plan for Our Stewardship Community. I will enroll a Launch Team of intercessors, advisers and donors.

Together we will collaboratively create and distribute educational modules that will bring practical education about the basics of agriculture, literacy and Christianity to those in developing countries. We will aim to serve subsistence farmers, orphans and rural pastors. They will access these materials at community centered libraries. There will be basic audio and video recording equipment so that local teachers can teach their people as well as the materials we will provide.

I believe that there will be plenty of college students that will volunteer to assist with this enterprise online. The significant and measurable results will appeal to generous donors. All along the way many will be praying. And answered prayers is the only way I have gotten this far.

This is a huge and complex undertaking that will reach all the way around the globe. We will be bridging the gaps of language and culture as we bring together people, resources and opportunities.

Today I am requesting your very best prayers. Pray for the fund raising goal of only 3 thousand dollars to me not only met but exceeded.

You are invited to go to this blog that has links to the short videos and text versions of the presentation. When you get there I welcome your comments, suggestions and questions.

You can use this link to go to the crowd funding platform and from there you can share it with those in your social media contact base.

When you get there then you are asked to give a generous donation. Your money will make a big difference as it is added with others who together get the ball rolling. After others notice some momentum then they will more likely give. Your dollars today will help to convince them to give later.

Together we will provide practical education that will relieve severe poverty for future generations.


Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Transcript of the Introductory Text on Indeigogo Crowdfunding Platform

I request your comments, suggestions and questions.
Then I will use this feedback to make improvements.
You can use the comments section below.
These comments are moderated and will not go public.

Version 1.2
September 4, 2014

Questions for You
Do you care about those who are suffering from severe poverty in developing countries?

Are you willing to help them to help themselves, their families and their communities?

Do you want to become a partner in launching an innovative educational enterprise?

Are you ready to take part in a community that will transform lives for future generations?

Are you willing to contribute some time, money and/or referrals to make this happen?

You have heard of the saying, “If you give a person a fish then you feed them for a day. But if you teach them how to fish then you feed them for a lifetime.”

We can use that saying and adapt it in various ways to educate those who are in real need.

Instead of teaching about fishing we can teach about farming, literacy and Christianity.

What we have here in the West is easy access to an abundance of knowledge. We have communication devices that connect us easily. Every year the digital technologies make it easier and cheaper to record, edit, store, share and use all kinds of files.

Audio, video and text messages are flowing over the Internet constantly. But have you considered those of our fellow humans that do not have access to the Information Superhighway? Many millions live in remote villages without electricity. How can we work together to bridge the digital divide? How can we work in volunteer teams to collaboratively create educational modules that will teach them how to solve the practical problems that have been plaguing these precious people?

Can you imagine the following with me:
lots of volunteer college students gathering and cataloging practical online resources
an ever growing wiki with simple summary articles related to practical solutions
those links and articles being used to collaboratively create useful lessons in text
the text lessons being translated into many languages
the translated lessons being converted to audio and video files
these educational materials provided under creative commons licenses
local experts making suitable adjustments for their community
permission for the materials to be used commercially so they will spread further and faster
community centered libraries being established in remote locations
instructions for how to best use the resources as individuals and small groups
plenty of materials to help children learn how to read
lots of lessons aimed at teaching teachers how to teach better
general guidelines on how to set up and operate a recording studio for local teachers

These valuable lessons solve the chronic problems of
assess to water
improved sanitation
more agricultural harvests
alternative income streams
basic literacy

My name is John S. Oliver. I am inviting you to join me and others fulfilling my dream of launching an educational nonprofit organization named Our Stewardship Community.

Currently I am working in Dallas Texas. Soon I will go on some road trips to 5 cities and 3 countries. My aim is to enroll a Launch Team of intercessors, advisers and donors. Along the way I will be enrolling many volunteers online and hiring a few exceptional people to grow the enterprise.

During the coming months the three goals are to create, publish and promote the valuable tools that will lead to strong start as we publically launch the nonprofit.

Those tools are:
1) audio and visual aids for fund raising
2) prototypes of the initial online products called Networking Hub and Wiki Plus
3) a basic business plan.

Then when those tools are in place we will begin to collaboratively create what I named the Global Education Canals. Those canals involve the processes and products that will make and ship the educational modules to Community Centered Libraries all around the globe.

Help Me
Right now I need your help.

I am seeking to raise only 3 thousand dollars.
That is 1 thousand dollars each to cover the following costs:
1) preparing promotional DVD
2) going on the road trips
3) covering my living expenses.

So I am turning to you to ask for contributions. In exchange, I am offering you your choice of the following perks:
a) Thank You note
b) signed poster of the Central Diagram
c) mail you a copy of the promotional DVD
d) list you on the DVD as a supporter

Look at the Perks here and choose yours.

Money is necessary to move this enterprise forward. And there are two other ways you can support. You can pray and you can promote this campaign to your contacts using the social media tools.

Please pray for this fund raising goal of only 3 thousand dollars to become more than met. I would like to reach beyond 5 thousand dollars.

Pray for me to enroll many more intercessors and communicate with them effectively.

Pray for the preparations of the road trips to unfold gracefully.

Pray for my health, safety and strength as I go on the road trips in the coming months.

My 3 ongoing personal prayer requests are to: think clearly, choose wisely and be grateful.

You can make a huge difference just by sharing this with your friends. You know people I have not yet met. And you can use your social media contacts to introduce me and this campaign to them.

I am always seeking to connect with intercessors. The only way I have gotten this far is due to the answers to a great many prayers.

I currently need donors who will give generously to help get the ball rolling.

Please take the time right now to use the tools on this webpage to introduce me to your contacts.

If you can read this then you have been fortunate to have learned how to read. You have access to the World Wide Web and therefore plenty of educational options.

Right now you can make a choice. You can partner with me and many others who will be joining you to bridge the digital divide. Together we will be offering easy access to valuable educational resources.

Those who were not fortunate to have been born into the top one billion like you and me will greatly benefit. Those in the bottom two billion of the seven billion on our shared planet will have hope and opportunities like they had never had before.

Your contribution will be added to those of many others. Together we will provide basic education that transforms lives of those in severe poverty.

Right now I really need your help. I need you and many others to have faith in me and in God. I need you to believe that God will work through me to get this enterprise launched. Then it will be much easier to raise more money after I have some momentum. But right now I need your dollars to start that process into motion. Your timely support will get the ball rolling.

I am going to do this. I do not have a Plan B. I have been investing all my waking hours into this. My family and friends have been generously giving me money to get it this far. Your contribution will make it happen sooner and smoother.

When you step up to the plate and give then you become a partner with me and others. Together we will collaboratively create educational modules that will transform the lives of those in severe poverty. Lives will be saved due to fewer fatal diseases from better access to water. Fewer children will go to sleep hungry. Parents will be able to afford medicines and to send their children to school. Many more children will learn to read. Those impacts will continue for future generations.

You can follow these links to learn more about the details of vision and game plan.

Questions Seeking Answers videos

Global Education Canals videos.

OSC Central Diagram videos.

OSC Road Trips videos

My personality, Passions and Purposes videos.

OSC Community Centered Libraries vision on a blog

OSC Road Trips on a blog

OSC Crowd Funding on a blog

Share the link to this Indiegogo campaign with many people.


Transcript of the Introductory Video on Indeigogo Crowdfunding Platform

I request your comments, suggestions and questions.
Then I will use this feedback to make improvements.
You can use the comments section below.
These comments are moderated and will not go public.

Version 1.1
August 27, 2014

Just the fact that you are watching this video online is evidence that you and I are among the top one billion inhabitants of our shared planet.

We are very fortunate that our basic needs for food, clothing and shelter have been met. We might not have all the latest and greatest products that we want. But we do know where our next meal is coming from. And everyone we know can read.

Yet today there are 7 billion people on planet earth. The bottom 2 billion barely survives on less than 2 dollars a day. And a majority of those are illiterate.

We could never afford to ship them all the food that they need daily. But we can educate them to raise more crops.

We cannot ship to them our drinking water but we can teach them proven ways to drill wells or better filter river water.

We cannot adopt all of the tens of millions of orphans around the world. But we can help their orphanages teach them to become better readers. And that improved reading will pave the way to a more hopeful future.

When I go into large grocery stores and malls I sometimes feel overwhelmed by the abundance on the shelves. Here in the developed world we have a more options than we can count.

Yet I reflect on those who live in remote villages in parts of Africa and India who have very few options. The poorest ones do not have the knowledge, skills or resources to improve their lives. They are seriously stuck in a rut of generational poverty.

When I notice the vast difference between the abundance of our options and the scarcity of theirs, it troubles me.

I have known since I was a teen that I will give an account for my life to God. So I seek to use my time and talents wisely.

I deeply desire to have lived a life that was worthwhile.

I have been passionately seeking to find and fulfill my purpose in this life.

I think I have found my purpose and I invite you to join me in the adventures that are ahead.

For many years I have been researching, planning and preparing to launch an educational nonprofit named Our Stewardship Community.

I urge you to read the text description just below this video for a simple summary overview. Then follow the links there to learn more details.